Kill The Will Part 2

Hey, and welcome back!
Let's dive back into our chat about that deep desire for independence we all feel.
You know how Jesus talks about picking up our cross and following Him in Matthew 16:24-27? It sounds intense, right? A lot of us would much rather chill in our comfort zone than deal with any kind of discomfort. But here's the thing—the cross isn't just a symbol of pain; it's also about overcoming.
Jesus went through it, and guess what? So will we.
Little memo to myself (and maybe you too):
Hey Self, brace yourself because it's going to get real!
You're going to feel the kill of your will.
That moment when your will has to take a backseat? Yeah, Jesus felt that big time. Picture Him in the Garden of Gethsemane, feeling all kinds of stress and asking God if there's any way to dodge the bullet, yet still saying, "Not my will, but Yours be done" (Matthew 26:37-39).
He totally gets the struggle of letting go.
Sacrifices? They're not going to be a walk in the park. Saying goodbye to certain people, desires, and habits is going to sting.
But here's the kicker: to really get on board with God's plan, you've got to let your own plans go.
Life in the Kingdom demands a form of death. It sounds pretty dramatic, but it's true. The real deal—life, growth, prosperity—it all starts with laying something down. It's like the ultimate truth bomb: new life comes from death.
When we let our self-will die, that's when God's will can really start doing its thing in our lives!
If you're up for more deep dives and want to keep this conversation going, don't forget to sign up for our 'Ignite Your Impact' Monday Memo.
Catch you later,
Dr. Gwendolyn