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Attitude of Gratitude

I remember growing up and hearing my mom say, “Saying thank you goes a long way.” I’m sure you probably heard it too. Every year we celebrate Thanksgiving as a Holiday, but let's...

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Cross in Crisis - Ascend in Adversity Part 4

Remember what I told you in Part 1, that no one is exempt from crisis? Well I’ve got some good gospel news for you. In Psalm 91:7 (TPT) David said, “Even in a time of disaster, with...

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Cross in Crisis - Ascend in Adversity Part 3

We have the answer that the world needs. Whether people on the earth know it or not, what they need is outside help. I’m not talking about new political leaders, some financial aid, or a...

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Cross in Crisis - Ascend in Adversity Part 2

The Bible reports that 2 women, went to the tomb with spices for Jesus' body, but when they got there the tomb was empty. Two angels appeared and asked them a question? They said, “why are...

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Cross in Crisis - Ascend in Adversity Part 1

After the COVID-19 crisis hit, my mom and I were grocery shopping. In the store’s front entrance, they had a sign up saying no more paper coupons, everything is digital for the safety of...

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Pivot #3 - Your Priorities

James 2:17 (AMP) “Faith, if it does not have works [to back it up], is by itself dead [inoperative and ineffective].”

In a crisis, your priorities are put under a microscope. Have you...

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Pivot #2 - Your Pursuit

Matthew 6:33 (AMP) “But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and...

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Pivot #1 - Your Perspective

Ecclesiastes 3:1 (AMP) “There is a season (a time appointed) for everything and a time for every delight and event or purpose under heaven.”

Everything is temporary...

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Cross in Crisis - Don't Panic, Pivot! Part 2

Jesus resisted scourging death because the prophecy of death on the cross had to be fulfilled. How do I know He pivoted? Well because He turned away from the pain He was feeling and the shame He...

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Cross in Crisis - Don't Panic, Pivot! Part 1

Pivot means, according to Webster, the action of turning around a point. According to Cambridge English Dictionary, it means to change your opinions, statements, decisions, etc. so that they are...

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Prevail in Prayer #3

Prayer of Faith

What is faith? In God’s world faith is a few things: a spirit, a law, a gift, evidence, belief and so on. For the sake of this point, true faith is a whole-soul commitment to...

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Prevail in Prayer #2

Prayer of Consecration

What is consecration? It’s setting yourself apart to do the will of God regardless of your personal feelings or desires. While on the cross Jesus cried, “Eli, Eli...

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